IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 9

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For decades, the importance of cash has been enhanced among citizens. There has been a sharp increase in the percentage of materialistic swarms as time goes by ;however, there is some doubt about this process. In this essay, I will give answers to both questions appropriately.
Without any doubt, in the present century, we have access to numerous technologies, through which we communicate and get information. Some of them are books, radio and films. However, including the large number of ,benefits these have a few drawbacks as well.
The majority of the masses choose to wake up before the usual time and begin the daily work. While others adopt to get up late opportunity in the day and be at work until midnight. In my opinion, I opt for the regular working hours as it is beneficial to strength and wealth. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall explain my point of view.
The average time spent on electronic devices is eight out of the fourteen waking hours. In the last decade, technology developed fast and conquered every house. As a matter of fact, modern technology has a list of advantages and lethal disadvantages.
While some people believe labour-saving devices such as dishwashers and computers makes our lives easier through automation, other people believe these devices creates more problems than it solves. In this essay, I will discuss why I believe modern technology helps to reduce stress by automating menial yet time-consuming tasks.
Taking a study break after high school and before joining university is very common in some countries. Many people spend their holidays travelling all around or doing full-time jobs. There are many demerits for young people who decide to do this.
This is true that superstars have more revenue than politicians, so recently this has become a hot debate among people in society. This has diverse reasons and in this essay, I cite the main reasons and explain why this is a positive development.
In modern society, the decision to have offspring is postponed to later in life. In this essay, I will describe the reasons for this trend, pros and cons as a consequence of this decision. Firstly I will give examples of possible causes, secondly, I will explain the advantages and disadvantages of this situation.
Nowadays, the ability to establish an efficient intellectual connection with other individuals is a prominent criterion in approaching prosperity, particularly in the working environment. Yet, there remains a controversial debate as to whether the overall effect of this skill can be benevolent in reaching success or the expertise in a career is more influential. This essay will discuss the proposed topic from both sides of view with some detailed explanations.
It is arguable that the advancement of the medical care scheme undoubtedly soars the life expectancy of many. Thus, communities have to look after several older individuals. In my opinion, the closest parents will deal properly with that since it is their responsibility to care for them. Although it will press the health structure. This essay will shed light on both sides of the matter and provide evidence to prove the arguments.
Certain individuals think that it is cruel to keep non-human species in confined spaces like a zoo whereas the other outlook points to the advantages for both human and non-human species. I tend to conform to the second view but both will be discussed in this essay.
It is believed that the environmental protectors are alarmed concerning the overwhelming increased environmental pollution on streams, ponds and the oceans. I believe that environmental contamination brings adverse effects on aquatic wildlife and human social lives. This essay will shed light on the motives and their consequences providing evidence to prove the arguments.
Ups and downs are part of life and there is no constant poverty or richness, it's actually varying parameters. It is believed to be the best to face hardships like having poor work or sparse treasures. It is argued to be better to do hard work and make better the worst things. This will highlight both sides of the argument and then I will put forward my own perception of the matter.
Moving to another country leaving their native place has become extremely popular these days. Immigration has shown a major effect on society. This essay will provide details about the causes of this situation and the consequences that are likely to be seen in future.
It is often argued that that the internet was been the most important technological achievement that made living effortlessly, especially in this time of the covid-19 pandemic and for the future of this world. It is an imperative tool when it comes to communication and industry thus promoting the development of the economy.
It is often argued that the internet was been the most important technological advancement of the human world as it made living effortlessly, especially in this time of the covid-19 pandemic and for the future of this world. It is an imperative tool when it comes to communication and industry thus promoting the development of the economy.
In this modern era, competition is rising rapidly and as a result, people are opting for jobs with long working hours and higher wages to survive. Although working day and night helps them earn money, it leaves them with no leisure time to spend with family and friends. Personally, I feel I will always choose my family before anything else, so, I will opt for low paying job with shorter hours to spend time with my family.
The shopping for unnecessary and costly items have been growing in the modern era. This trend is backed by the materialistic thinking of the masses which is not a sign of developed society. The government and the public need to take some strict measures to resolve the issue.
The advancement of the medical system undoubtedly enhances human beings life expectancy. Thus, communities have to look after the old folk. In my opinion, the population will handle it properly so that the elderly crowd feel protected. This essay will shed light on both reasons for caring for the old-aged and provide solutions to overcome possible drawbacks.
Nowadays, the educational quality is improving and children gain a lot of knowledge in their childhood. Should public schools give the administration’s support? In this essay, I will explain the reason and solve this problem.
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