IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 8

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As commonly seen, a number of folks are moving to cities becoming overcrowded instead of living in the countryside. In my opinion, many reasons suddenly turn up, in parallel, the government is striving hard to solve the issue.
Nowadays, most schools and teaching institutions use paper-based exams to qualify the learning capacity and intelligence of the students. Therefore, this method brings a special concern regarding the efficacy and reliability of the examinations to assess students' capabilities.
A group of people believe that letting children choose what they want in something that they want like clothes, food and having fun would improve their selfishness. On the contrary, others think that it is essential to have the right to make decisions in childhood because of its effects. In my opinion, a child needs freedom in the way of living and sharing its tastes like another human being in everyday matters.
Today, many people have adopted irregular and unbalanced diets. There are multiple reasons for this, budget constraints and a busy lifestyle being the most important. These can be mended by avoiding unhealthy food and adopting a nutritious eating routine.
A definition of healthy people these days is one with a healthy diet and exercise in their daily routine which helps to release stress. Mentioned that here in Venezuela there is a new trend to living in a healthy environment where a combination of lower-fat food with yoga, jogging, swimming or any other kind of sports and/or mindset therapy that could help to release or avoid stress are the strategies taken on the last few years. In this essay, I will explain in more detail how Venezuelan people stay healthy.
There is a common belief that the Z generation’s teenagers are becoming more and more dishonest when compared to the older ones. This assumption derives from the lack of later appropriate punishments while having been a detrimental issue resulting in the emergence of other negative traits in a child’s behaviour.
Nowadays, a lot of individuals tend to imitate some celebrities they see online or read about in the newspapers. The essay below will discuss the reason for doing so and state whether this tendency is good or bad.
A lot of countries already started to face challenges not only related to the environment but also regarding population and education. With the ever-increasing population, there will be a lot of drawbacks that should be faced by these countries. In this essay, I will discuss the problems that could be faced by my country in the coming decade, and also how to overcome these issues.
In some regions of the world, a growing number of people are keen to figure out about the evolution of their ancient residential places. In this essay, I`m going to describe the reasons for this curiosity and the ways to realize them.
Recently, there have been conflicting views on whether enterprises should be inhibited from performing data mining on their consumers. Several argue they can do this practice easily, whereas others think it should be banned. This essay will discuss the reasons for both views, which are the growth of revenues and the rise of fraud cases involving endangered customers.
The recurrence of criminal activity among offenders after serving their initial sentence is an alarming issue in many societies today. This phenomenon, known as recidivism, raises essential questions about the effectiveness of the penal system, and it demands a critical examination of its underlying causes and potential solutions.
In certain parts of the world, individuals may have an immensely high wage. Proponents of this viewpoint argue that it benefits the nation, while others believe that the amount people receive from their paychecks must be limited by the authority. In my opinion, this approach should not be taken since it can restrict the nation from excelling in economics, and doing the opposite can greatly benefit the community.
It is true that men and women prefer to have children in the later stages of their lives in modern society. There are numerous reasons behind this trend and has many negative impacts on families and society as well.
The last 50 years have seen a dramatic increase in the curiosity about the record of dwellings. This essay will examine the causes of this phenomenon as well as suggest ways for people to accomplish this objective.
A number of people around the world prefer to hire a personal coach for mental and physical well-being over actively participating in athletics and physical activities. This essay will discuss, the reasons behind this phenomenon. In my perspective, it is a positive breakthrough.
Nowadays, people communicate with their friends by sending messages rather than talking face to face, because technology makes our life become more and more convenient. Therefore, they can use phones to chat with their peers. While I believe there are some drawbacks to sending texts by phone, it is more beneficial for individuals.
In particular nations, a vast number of officials, managers and senior executives are chosen among male. In my opinion, it is mainly because many people believe that such career are more appropriate for men. I am also convinced that it is a negative trend and has some drawbacks for the society.
There is an increase in the number of tremendously significant hardships for some nations all over the world, which relates to not only the habitats but also the density of citizens and schooling issues. There are plenty of issues that need to be faced in Vietnam in the next few decades, but the most common of which are air pollution and poor schooling conditions. This essay will outline the difficulties that my country has a tendency to face and present some environmentally beneficial methods that could help to address these problems.
Recently, many researchers have predicted that environment, population, and education are going to be the top problems for many nations around the globe, including my country: Indonesia. As one of the third-world nations, we are still busy fighting the disparity between the capital land Jawa and other areas, especially in education. I personally believe community-based mentoring movement led by local-born individuals will reduce the gaps. In this essay, I shall explain these points with my personal experience.
Since the invention of television, lives have been transformed in many aspects and travelling is not an exception. It is believed that in order to know more about another nation, humans just need to watch documentaries and movies shown on it because it provides greater value than travelling in person. From my perspective, it is not exact because there are many things that tourists gain when going directly.
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