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Many voung people these days choose to live alone instead of living with other family members. Do the advantages of this practice outweigh any of its disadvantages?
Your local bookshop has invited members of the public to recommend a guest speaker for an upcoming event that will include a series of talks from well-known people. Write an letter to the bookshop. In your letter • suggest a speaker • say what they would contribute to the event • explain why other people would be interested too
People in all modern societies use drugs, but today's youth are experimenting with both legal and illegal drugs, and at an increasingly early age. Some sociologists claim that parents and other members of society often set a bad example. Discuss the causes of widespread drug use by young people in modern day society. Make any recommendations you feel are necessary to help fight youth drug abuse.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. Some members of your city council want to prohibit cars on several downtown streets. This will allow pedestrians and bicyclists to use the roads freely. Write a letter to a city council official in your city. In your letter Explain how you heard about the plan Provide some possible effects of this plan Give your opinion about the plan
The line chart below gives information about the percentage of female members of parliament in European countries (2000 – 2012)
Some people think that all the family members should raise children (e.g., uncle, aunt, and grandparents) rather than only parents. Give your opinion
The graph gives information about male and female gym membership between 1980 and 2010. Write 150 words.
For the past year, you have been a member of a local club. Now you want to discontinue your membership. Write a letter to the manager. In your letter- * state what type of membership you have and how much you have paid for it? * explain how you have benefited from the club * give reasons on why you want to leave
Some people think that children should be raised by all the family members (uncle, aunt and grandparents) rather than only parents. Give your opinion.
Many businesses in the world today are run by family members. Do the advantages of family-run businesses outweigh the disadvantages. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your experiences or knowledge
Some people think that it is the responsibility of schools to teach students to be good members of the society, not parents. To what extent do you agree with this statement?
The success of a business or sports team depends more on the leader of that team than on the individual team members. This is because it is the leader who makes sure everyone works together to achieve the team's goals. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Some people believe that best way to produce happier society is to insure that there are only small difference between the richest and poorest members. To what extend do you agree or disagree?
Some people think that childcare centres provide the best services for children of pre school age. Other working people think that family members such as grandparents will be better carers for their kids. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Sopeople me think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
There are some people who believe that family members are very important in our life while other says that friends are more important .Discuss both the views and give your opinion.
Universities should accept equal members of male and female students in every subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people think that parents should teach their children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this Discuss both views and give your own opinion
Some people think that the benefit of running a small business is to employ family members. What are the advantages and disadvantages of running a family business?
Today,there is less communication between family members than in the past,what has caused this? do you think it is a positive or negative development?
Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others however, believe that scholl is the place to learn this. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Some people think that parents should teach their children how to be good members of the society. Others, however, believe that schools are the best places to learn this. Discuss both these views.
as communication technology develops, it changes the way we communicate with friends and family members compared to the past. Do you think this has more advantages and disvantages?
The table below shows the results of survey to find out what members of a city sports club think about the activities, facilities and opening hours.
Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to leam this. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
People in all modern societies use drugs, but today’s youth are experimenting with both legal and illegal drugs, and at an increasingly early age. Some sociologists claim that parents and other members of society often set a bad example. Discuss the causes and some effects of widespread drug use by young people in modern day society. Make any recommendations you feel are necessary to help fight youth drug abuse.
Many business in the world today are run by family members. Do the advantage of family-run business outweight the disadvantages?
The table below shows the percentage of members of parliament who were women in five regions, compared to the percentage of worldwide, in 1990, 1997 and 2005.
Some working parents believe childcare centers can provide the best care for children, while others think family members like grandparents can do it better. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Some people believe that the best way to produce a happier society is to ensure that there are only small differences between the richest and the poorest members. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Nowadays, there has been a rise in the number of nuclear families as compared to the extended families. While having a small family can be beneficial in many ways such as financial stability and access to better and quality education, there are some considerable drawback. Nuclear family on the one hand makes it easier for the household to achieve a better and a more sustainable financial stability as a result of the number of people to be catered for. For instance, In a small family where both parent work, they are able to provide all the support and luxuries their family requires and able to save funds while planning for their future needs. Also, having this type of family will allow the parent to provide a high standard education for the kids because the increasing cost of quality education has made it difficult for a medium income earner to afford. Therefore, a family with small members would be able to save more money and provide this for their kids. On the other hand, there are some drawbacks to having a small sized family such as having a small support system. In emergency situations such as an accident or even in the time of illness, it becomes increasingly difficult to meet the family’s expectations and needs especially in instances where both are working and have young children to look after. In conclusion, while it can be advantageous to have a small household because of its less financial stress and access to qualitative education, having a small support group can serve as a major drawback.
Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this. Discuss both these views and dive your own opinion.
Television has destroyed the relationships between family members. what is your opinion?
many businesses today are run by family members. Do the advantages of a family-run business outweigh the disadvantages?
People in all modern societies use drugs, but today’s youth are experimenting with both legal and illegal drugs, and at an early age. Some sociologists claim that parents and other members of society often set a bad example. Discuss the cause and effects of widespread drug abuse by young people. Make any recommendations you feel are necessary to help fight youth drug abuse.
10. In many countries, women are now able to join the armed forces on an equal basis. However, some people think only men should be members of the army, navy or air force. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
The Syrian civil war began in 2011 under the influence of the Arab Spring when the people of Syria started asking for reforms Syrian government repressed peaceful demonstrations by force and through killing innocents. That is when the armed opposition formed in Syria and Bashar Al Assad started defending his authority with all his might. The Syrian proved Al Assad has no real authority in Syria. It makes him looking help from Russia, Iran and Hezbollah. Syrian people were started started. Russia and Iran use weapons against Syrian people. Syrian people started seeking refugees and help from other neighboring countries. War almost always creates public disaster. Everywhere where war happens, civilization at risk. There are many people in conflict areas who need protection. They are innocent people who actually dream about a worth and safe world. Countries who focus their attention on ending war must put in extra effort to realize their mission. UN Representatives from various countries often propose peace missions as a solution. Through these representatives, countries can vocalize their opinions through communities like the UN where they are gather and discuss world peacekeeping. Ironically, not all countries feel the same. In this case, several of them do not seem to support world peace. They focus on their own political ideals. Therefore destruction and problematic scenarios continue. When talking about Syrian refugees there are always countries that are for and against their better interests. Countries like the US and organizations like the EU fully support ending the suffering in Syria. Other countries like Russia seem to not support the rebels or the end of their suffering, rather, they support the Syrian government. That is why there is not yet a consensus. Two draft texts — one from France and Spain, and the other from the Russian Federation — address the conflict in Syria. They failed to be adopted by the Security Council due to a heated debate on the content. Meanwhile, urgent calls for humanitarian intervention for the besieged city of Aleppo continue to be made. The French and Spanish text that would have had the Council demand an immediate halt to all aerial bombardments and military flights over the city of Aleppo received 11 affirmative votes, two abstentions (Angola and China), and two negative votes (Russian Federation and Venezuela). The Russian Federation’s text, by which the Council would have urged an immediate cessation of hostilities, particularly in Aleppo, received a vote of 4 in favour (China, Egypt, Russian Federation, Venezuela) to 9 against (France, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Senegal, Spain, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States), with 2 abstentions (Angola and Uruguay). The Statement JEAN-MARC AYRAULT, the French Minister for Foreign Affairs, supports the end of the conflict in Syria. He spoke in front of representatives from all over the world about Aleppo. What happened in Aleppo could be a horrendous repetition of what had happened in Guernica, Sarajevo and Grozny. ROMÁN OYARZUN MARCHESI (Spain) stated that the ongoing conflict could still be ahead. He demanded for international organizations to not close their eyes to the situation. If the conflict could be ended, 1000 towns could be saved and a humanitarian catastrophe could be stopped. He talked about the intolerable actions of the Syrian Government who removed medical assistance to these areas. France and Spain have done everything they can to make the 15 nation council come to a consensus. The Russians continue to veto this proposal. VITALY I. CHURKIN (Russian Federation) the Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs and Security Council President for October, spoke to his nation, stating that the backstory to the draft resolution was well known. He argued that after destroying Libya, the troika of permanent Western members of the Security Council had turned its eyes on Syria. Furthermore, the French delegation had not put forward a single constructive initiative. In its current proposed draft, the concept of a ban on all military flights had not been fleshed out. Denying Syrian Refugee Various countries deny Syrian refugees come to their country to get asylum. US has denied application from 7 % Syrian refugees regarding to their migration. I think this case is unique. Syrian refugees must apply application forms to be selected later by the US administration. There will be failed application and accepted application. US faced dilemma whether they accepted or not. Syrian refugee often associated with a “terrorist country”. Various countries must be thinking twice to accept thousand people who comes from Syria. It is caused by previous terror in Paris, officers find a Syrian passport who belong to one of the terrorists.
IELTS 8 - Exam 1 - Writing Task 2 Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that schools is the place to learn this. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Some people think that children should be raised by all family members like grandparents, uncles and aunts and not just parents. Discuss both side and give your opinion?
Nowadays, many families have both parents working. Some working parents believe other family members like grandparents can take care of their children, while others think childcare centres provide the best care. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Opinion Some people think that family members are more important than friends, what extend do you agree or disagree?
The graph shows the percentage of male and female academic staff members across the facilities of a major university in 2012. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main feature and make comparisons where relevant.
It is observed that communication between family members in today's time is less as compared to the past. However, some people do not think so. Do you agree or disagree?
Some people thinl that parents should teach children how to be good members of society, Others, however, beloeve that school is the place to learn this. Discuss both veiws and give your own opinion.
Some people think that parents who teach children how to good members of society others however believe that school is the place to learn this. discuss both views and give your own pinion
Some people say that the extended family is not as important now as it once was. Others think that its worth has not changed because people always need help from their family members. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Some employers offer their employees subsidized memberships of gyms and sport clubs, believing that this will make their staff healthier and more effective at work, other employers see no benefit in doing so. Discuss both views and present your opinion.
The shown Line graph below illustrates the condition of participation by club members to different courses.
You have just started a course in a college which has no sports facilities of its own.Write a letter to the manager of nearest private sports club.In your letter: Introduce yourself. Say why you are interested in this sports club. Ask some questions about the club e.g.facilities,members,costs.
You have recently moved to a new neighbourhood and would like to join a sports centre there. You have found a private sports club. Write a letter to the manager of the sports club. In your letter, •introduce yourself •say why are you interested in this sports club •ask some questions about the club e.g facilities, membership, costs etc.
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