50 Latest Markets IELTS Topics

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Many supermarkets are selling more and more products that are imported from other countries instead of selling food that is locally sourced. What are the reasons for this? Is this a positive or negative development?
Some people like to do their everyday shopping at large supermarkets. Others want to go to several small stores or local markets to buy what they need. Which style of shopping do you prefer and why? Give reasons and examples to support your answer.
Many supermarkets are selling more and more products that are imported from other countries instead of selling food taht is locally sourced. What are the reasons for this? I sthis a positive or Negative developement
You were hurt in a minor accident inside a supermarket, and you wish to complain to the supermarkets. write a letter to the manager of the supermarket. In your letter : -say who you are -give details about the accident. -suggest how the supermarket could prevent similar accidents
Nowadays, instead of locally sourced produce, many supermarkets sell a variety of imported from countries all across the world Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?
Some people feel that manufacturers and supermarkets have the responsibility to refduce the amount of packaging of goods. Other argue that consumers should avoid buying goods with slot of packaging. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Some people say that supermarkets and manufacturers have a responsibility to reduce the amount of packaging the products they sell. Others say that consumers should avoid buying products which have a lof of packaging. Discuss both views
Some people prefer shopping in shopping centres while others prefer local markets. What are the advantages and disadvantages?
In some countries, fast food restaurants and supermarkets give money to school to promote their products. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?
The diagram shows how coffee is produced and prepared for sale in supermarkets and shops.
It can be difficult for small local shops to compete with large supermarkets and with on-line shops. How does this affect local communities? What could be done to improve this situation? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience. Write at least 250 words.
The chart below shows the changes in the price of a litre of milk at three different supermarkets between 2010 and 2014. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Many supermarkets are selling more and more imported foods instead of seling locally produced foods? What are the reasons for this? İs this positive or a negative development?
Supermarkets should only sell food produced within their own country. What are your opinions about it?
Many small, local shops are closing as they are unable to compete with large supermarkets in the area. What problems do it creates? How could this situation be improved?
Having multi talent, learning through out life becoming necessity for humans rather than dependent on one career option. This essay completely agree with this opinion. Firstly, will discuss why people are strict to single talent. Secondly, will explain what is the latest trend in people’ life style about their career and how they are utilising. On one hand, previous day people strict to one talent or career option. They have several reasons. Firstly, very limited resource available to explore other options due to that they are not able to lean new things in their life and strict to single path. Secondly, family dependencies make them to work to support their families. So that, family persons not able to spend extra time or money on new career. For example, Recent survey conducted in Toronto by Human Life Style organisation reveled that who are in their fifties 90% have single career options because of financial problems and limited knowledge. On other hand, these days people are multi talented from their childhood. Not only in studies and other activities like dance, music and community activities. People are choosing multi career options due to financial situations in the market. Few time they have to face recession, to face it they have to multi talent other wise they will be job less for more number of days. Recent markets are upgrading frequently, hence people are learning continuously to adopt the new changes in time and to have better earnings. For instance, World economic forum announced employees spending two hours per week to be in the market not for high earnings.
Some people prefer shopping centers, while others prefer local markets. What are the advantages of each? Share your opinion and any personal experience
Nowadays people prefer to shop in large supermarkets rather than nearby local shops, why do you think this is happening?is this a positive or negative trend
The diagram below shows how coffee is produced and prepared for sale in supermarkets and shops. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
Some people feel that manufacturers and supermarkets have the responsibility to increase the amount of packaging of goods. Others argue that costumers should avoid buying goods with a lot of packaging. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Some people say it is manufactures' and supermarkets’ responsibility to reduce the amount of packing of products they sell and others say it is the consumers’ responsibility to avoid buying products with too much packaging. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Due to the development and the expansion of supermarkets many small, local markets are unable to compete. some people think that the clossing off local businesses will bring about the death of local communities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
People prefer to shop from super markets than local. What are the reason behind it.
Some people prefer shopping in shopping centres while others prefer weekend markets. What are the advantages of each? Which shopping experience do you prefer?
Due to the development and rapid expansion of supermarkets, many small local businesses are unable to compete. Some people think that the closure of local businesses will bring about the death of local communities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people say that supermarkets should have the responsibility to reduce the amount of packaging for products they sell. Others say it is the resposibility of the consumers to avoid such products. Discuss and give your opinion.
Many large supermarkets are being built today while the number of small shops is decreasing. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
You should spend about **40 minutes** on this task. Write about the following topic. Some people feel that manufacturers and supermarkets have the responsibility to reduce the amount of packaging of goods. Others argue that customers should avoid buying goods with a lot of packaging. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. You should write **at least 250 words.**
Due to development and rapid expansion of supermarkets in some countries many small local business are unable to compete.some thought that the closure of local business will bring about the death of local communities. To what extent do you agree??
Some people feel that manufactures and supermarkets have the responsibility to reduce the amount of packaging of foods. Others argue that customers should avoid buying goods with a lot of packaging. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Some people think that supermarkets and manufacturers should reduce the amount of packaging materials. Others believe that it is the customer's responsibility to avoid buying with too much packaging. Discuss both ideas and give your opinion
Nowadays many people prefer to shop in supermakets rather than small shops or local markets. Is this positive or negative for development? Discuss and give your opinion.
In many places of the world, more larger supermarkets are built while smaller local shops are closing down. Are there more advantages or disadvantages to local people?
These days some people argue that food should be locally produced and consumed instead of transporting it from fileds to markets. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Certain countries protect their native industries by imposing heavy tariffs on imported goods. Other countries encourage imports in order to ensure their citizens access to as many goods as possible. Should countries be allowed to impose high tariffs on imports or should all countries allow each other free access to their markets? What do you think? Give reasons and examples to support your opinion.
Present a written argument or case to an educated non-specialist audience on the following topic. Globalization has led to the introduction of many new international products into local shops and markets. What do you think are the main advantages and disadvantages of this example of globalization?
The growth of online shopping leads towards the all local and town markets closed. Do you agree or disagree?
Due to the development and rapid expansion of supermarkets in some countries, many small, local business are unable to compete. some people think that the closure of local business will bring about the death of local community. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
There is a belief that supermarkets and manufacturers have a duty to reduce the packaging of products they sell. Others argue that consumers must avoid buying products with a lot of packaging. Discuss both views and give your opinion
Some people feel that manufacturers and supermarkets have the responsibility to reduce the amount of packaging of goods others argue that customers should avoid buying goodswith a lot of packaging. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Due to the development and rapid expansion of supermarkets in some countries, many small, local business are unable to compete. Some people think that the closure of local business will bring about the death of local communities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
The bar chart below shows the US top 10 processed food export markets for last year and six years ago. summarise information and report main features, make comparisons where relevant.
Some people feel that manufacturers and supermarkets are responsible for reducing the packaging of goods. At the same time, others argue that customers should avoid buying goods with a lot of packaging. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Some people feel that manufacturers and supermarkets have the responsibility to reduce the amount of packaging of good. Other argue that customers should avoid buying good with a lot of packaging. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
in some contries, fast food restaurants and supermarkets give money to schools to promote their products. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?
Due to the development and rapid expansion of supermarkets in some countries, many small, local business are unable to compete. Some people think that the closue of local business will bring about the death of local communities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people feel that manufactures and supermarkets have the responsibilities to reduce the amount of packaging of goods, other argue that consumers should avoid buying goods with a lot of packaging Discuss both views and give your opinion
Many supermarkets sell more and more imported food products than ones produced in their home country. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?
Some schools agree that fast-food restaurants and supermarkets can promote their products in school and that schools benefit from it. Is it a positive or negative development?
Modern shopping malls are highly convenient for people however small markets are still popular among consumers discuss both these views and give your opinion
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