50 Latest Land IELTS Topics

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You and your family are living in rented accommodation in an English speaking country. You are not satisfied with the condition of some of the furniture. Write a letter to your landlord. In your letter introduce yourself explain what is wrong with the furniture say what action you would like the landlord to take
The line graph below shows the percentage of tourists to England who visited four different attractions in Brighton. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
You currently live in a rental apartment, and the noise from your neighbors disturbs you. Write a letter to your landlord. In your letter •describe how this situation affects you; •explain what steps you have taken to address the problem; •ask the landlord to take action to resolve the issue.
The pie charts below show the most common advantages and disadvantages of Bowen Island, according to a survey of visitors. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant
You rent an apartment and recently a new neighbor has moved in who lives above you. They are making a lot of noise and this is disturbing you. Write a letter to your landlord. In your letter: Explain what the problem is Explain why it is disturbing you so much Tell your landlord what you would like him/her to do about it
Many agricultural lands are being converted into commercial centres. How does this affect the environment and the people’s life style? Discuss this situation and provide suggestions to address these issues. Support your answer with specific reasons and examples.
The diagram below shows the stages in the erosion of a headland.
The bar chart compares the total amount of 3 main exports from Southland's namely international tourism, dairy and meat products in the years 2000, 2015and in the projected year in 2025. Units are measured in billions.
The pie chart displays the online sales in the New Zealand retail sector in 2003 and 2013 .
The chart below shows the percentage of households in owned and rented accomodation in England and Wales between 1918 and 2011
Your friend is about to celebrate a landmark birthday and would welcome suggestions as to how it should be celebrated. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter * Say what type of party should be held e.g. themed, fancy dress, black tie event * Suggest a suitable venue * Make a recoomendation as to entertainment e.g. Dj, jazz band etc.
The graphs compare the number of deaths caused by six diseases in Someland in 1990 with the amount of research funding allocated to each of those diseases.
You are a student at an English language school in Brighton and are living in private accommodation with other flat mates. You have not had hot water or heating for some time. The landlord’s workmen have tried to fix the problem but without success. Write a letter to the landlord. In your letter: state your reason for writing describe the problems and explain how you feel propose a solution and ask the landlord to take action.
Write a letter to your landlord complaining about noise in the bolck of flats which he owns. You should include Where you live Explain the problem What he should do
You have been living in a rental apartment for the past year. Recently a new neighbour moved in and has been making a lot of noise, which disturbs you. Write a letter to the landlord. In your letter:  Explain the situation  Describe why it bothers you  Suggest a solution
The pie charts below show information on the highest level of education of women in Someland in 1945 and 1995
The bar chart illustrates the statics of (Brunswick New , Nova Scotia, Quebec, Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Newfoundland and Labrador, Ontario) International graduates, Canadian University,
The table below shows the number of cars made in Argentina, Australia, and Thailand from 2003 to 2009.
The given pie charts illustrates the propotions od visits to Ireland one year ago by age group, and by gender and type of visit.
The charts below show the numbers of people per household in 1990 and 2000 in New Zealand. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.
It is believed that unrevealed areas of the globe should be exposed for. more resources to fulfill the need of oil and gas. This essay disagrees with the view that there isn't any necessity to open the unexposed area for Resources. Firstly this essay will discuss the fact that the importance of finding an alternative use of oil and gas and secondly, discuss the consequences of these resources. In present day, the demand of the oil and gas gradually rising that's why it's essential to use the areas of resource which are not searched yet. But it's really a great matter of concern that what will happen while those undiscovered resources will used up? Therefore, it's necessary to find out a alternative component of the oil and gas. For instance, In New Zealand, they started solar energy as a substitute of electricity. However, the result of unleashing the area for resources will create a malign impact on environment. Until now, for resources many trees were cut down, forests and Jungle are turning into a desert etc. As a result, greenhouse gas is gradually increasing, the rainfall is decreasing, many natural creatures are in the face of disappearance etc. If this continues, one day the earth will end up as a dust. For instance, while Australia is a developed country, they are facing many natuaral disaster such as tornado, sidr and flood etc. In conclusion, in the world of homogenization it's not impossible to find out a alternative way to keep our lives safe.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The table below gives information about the population of New Zealand between 2011 and 2012. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and making comparisons where relevant. You should write at least 150 words.
You have decided to apply for a job as a Spanish instructor that was advertised in the April edition of the magazine Teaching Professional. This ad was posted by Mr John Sullivan, director of the Spanish department at The Language Institute of Great Britain in London, England. In your letter to Mr Sullivan: explain why you are writing describe your qualifications and experience explain how they can contact you?
The Syrian civil war began in 2011 under the influence of the Arab Spring when the people of Syria started asking for reforms Syrian government repressed peaceful demonstrations by force and through killing innocents. That is when the armed opposition formed in Syria and Bashar Al Assad started defending his authority with all his might. Syrian people proved Al Assad has no real authority in Syria. It makes him looking help from Russia, Iran and Hezbollah. Syrian people was started. Russia and Iran use weapon against Syrian people. Syrian people started seeking refugees and help from other neighboring countries. War almost always creates public disaster. Everywhere where war happens, civilization at risk. There are many people in conflict areas who need protection. They are innocent people who actually dream about a worth and safe world. Countries who focus their attention on ending war must put in extra effort to realize their mission. UN Representatives from various countries often propose peace missions as a solution. Through these representatives, countries can vocalize their opinions through communities like the UN where they are gather and discuss world peacekeeping. Ironically, not all countries feel the same. In this case, several of them do not seem to support world peace. They are focused on their own political ideals. Therefore destruction and problematic scenarios continue. When talking about Syrian refugees there are always countries that are for and against their better interests. Countries like the US and organizations like the EU fully support ending the suffering in Syria. Other countries like Russia seem to not support the rebels or the end of their suffering, rather, they support the Syrian government. That is why there is not yet a consensus. Two draft texts — one from France and Spain, and the other from the Russian Federation — address the conflict in Syria. They failed to be adopted by the Security Council due to a heated debate on the content. Meanwhile, urgent calls for humanitarian intervention for the besieged city of Aleppo continue to be made. The French and Spanish text that would have had the Council demand an immediate halt to all aerial bombardments and military flights over the city of Aleppo received 11 affirmative votes, two abstentions (Angola and China), and two negative votes (Russian Federation and Venezuela). The Russian Federation’s text, by which the Council would have urged an immediate cessation of hostilities, particularly in Aleppo, received a vote of 4 in favour (China, Egypt, Russian Federation, Venezuela) to 9 against (France, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Senegal, Spain, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States), with 2 abstentions (Angola and Uruguay). The Statement JEAN-MARC AYRAULT, the French Minister for Foreign Affairs, supports the end of the conflict in Syria. He spoke in front of representatives from all over the world about Aleppo. What happened in Aleppo could be a horrendous repetition of what had happened in Guernica, Sarajevo and Grozny. ROMÁN OYARZUN MARCHESI (Spain) stated that the ongoing conflict could be still ahead. He demanded for international organizations to not close their eyes to the situation. If the conflict could be ended, 1000 towns could be saved and a humanitarian catastrophe could be stopped. He talked about the intolerable actions of the Syrian Government who removed medical assistance to these areas. France and Spain have done everything they can to make the 15 nation council come to a consensus. The Russians continue to veto this proposal. VITALY I. CHURKIN (Russian Federation) the Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs and Security Council President for October, spoke for his nation, stating that the backstory to the draft resolution was well known. He argued that after destroying Libya, the troika of permanent Western members of the Security Council had turned its eyes on Syria. Furthermore, the French delegation had not put forward a single constructive initiative. In its current proposed draft, the concept of a ban on all military flights had not been fleshed out. Denying Syrian Refugee Various countries deny Syrian refugees come to their country to get asylum. US have denied application from 7 % Syrian refugees regarding to their migration. I think this case is unique. syrian refugees must apply application forms to be selected later by US administration. There will be failed application and accepted application. US faced dilemma whether they accepted or not.Syrian refugee often associated with a “terrorist country”. Various country must be thinking twice to accept thousand people who comes from Syria. It is caused by previous terror in Paris, officers find Syrian passport who belong to one of terrorists.
The table below gives information about changes in modes of travel in England between 1985 and 2000. Describe the information in the table and make comparisons where appropriate.
The bar graph shows the percentage of households owned and rented accommodation in England and Wales between 1918 and 2010.
Write about the following topic: Many major cities are facing a housing crisis as they cannot provide enough land for new buildings. Some local governments believe the problem could be solved by reassigning park land for residential development, because this land would be better used for housing. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
What do you think the government in your country (THAILAND!) should do to make your country more successful (better)? (Provide one or two suggestions to improve a situation which is your country Thailand)
The table shows the annual milk production in four countries (Netherlands, Australia, Tanzania, and Guatemala) in 1990, 2000, and 2010.
Sample 3.Animal species are becoming extinct due to human activities on land and in the sea. What are the reasons and solutions.
Thailand should impose legal measures to solve PM 2.5 problem. Do you agree or disagree? and why?
The bar chart below shows the percentages of different kinds of landfill waste in five different countries in 2010.
The chart below gives information about birth and death rates in Switzerland from 1970 to 2020 according to United Nations statistics.
62.The bar chart shows the number of tourists in three nations who traveled to New Zealand in 1999 and 2009. The graph below shows the number of tourists who spent their holiday in two different ways. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant
The chart beelow show the percentage of household in owned and rented accommodation in england and Wales
You are experiencing financial problems and want to ask your landlord if you can pay your rent late. Write a letter to your landlord. In your letter explain: Why you cannot pay the rent When you will pay the rent. How you will ensure you can pay your rent in the future Write at least 150 words You do NOT need to write any addresses Begin your letter as follows: Dear……..,
10. The natural resources such as oil, and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it cause? How can we solve these problems? Due to excessive population and widespread industrialization, it is evident that the natural resources such as oil, forest and fresh water are getting limited day by day. With implementing following steps, we can deplete our natural resources. This essay will discuss the problems and solutions to prevent the cause. Firstly, oil is the major non- renewable source. The main cause for the same is excessive population. It is used in running vehicles, industries. For saving the oil people should start using public transportation. Furthermore, government should start reducing public transport fares, metro should start running 24x7, people should start doing carpooling. Otherwise oil will get finished soon. Secondly water, especially fresh water is another area of concern. There is no survival of life without water. Fresh water is depleting fast. Every individual should use water as an when required. For an example, in the last research, several cities were affected in India due to shortage of water. People did not had water to drink. Additionally, government should take serious steps to save the water such as rain water harvesting, proper dams construction. Lastly forest, because of deforestation animals are plants which gives us medicine and food are getting killed day by day. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Moreover, when trees are cuts, the soil is exposed to heavy rain and land sliding. Afforestation should be promoted as a solution such as plastic should be banned so that animals will be saved, use of less paper, plantation of more trees. In conclusion, if we have to survive, we should start consuming the natural resources such as oil, water and forests. Otherwise our future generation will be affected.
You are going to move out of your apartment in a English-speaking country. Your landlord is a very good person, who has assisted you a lot during your stay. Meanwhile, your friend would like to rent the flat after you. Write a letter to your landlord. In your letter, • Let your landlord know that you will be leaving • Thank you landlord for his/her help • Tel him/her about your friend
The pie chart below shows the main reasons why agricultural land became less productive. the table shows how these causes affected 3 regions of the world during the 1990 S.
The two maps preposition show an island, before and after the building of a few tourist faculties.
Of all the global environmental problems, desertification is, perhaps, the most threatening for poor rural people. Desertification is the expansion of desert lands into previously non-desert areas. What are the causes of this problem? What can be done to solve this problem?
Q: You are going to visit New Zealand for an 'English and Homestay' program. You have just received details of your homestay host family. Write your first letter to the family. In your letter 1. introduce yourself 2. ask the family some questions to get information that is important to you 3. tell the family about your arrival date and time
The graph below shows the rate of smoking per 1000 people in Someland from 1960 to 2000. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information in the graph below.
the chart below gives information about Southland's main exports in 2000, *20.., and future production for 2025
The table below shows the average income and divorce rates of different sized families living in England in 2004. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. You should write at least 150 words.
You and your family are living in rented accommodation in an English-speaking country. You are not satisfied with the condition of some of the furniture. Write a letter to the landord. In your letter introduce yourself explain what is wrong with the furniture say what action you would like to the landlord to take
The two maps below show an island before and after the construction some of tourists facilities. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
The maps below show changes in the town of Youngsville in New Zealand from 1980 to 2005.
Many people think that land in the city should be used for residence while others think that we should use land for parks and community places. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
The chart beiow shows the percentage of households in owned and rented accommodation in England and Wales between 1918 and 2011. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant Write at least 150 words.
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