50 Latest Friend IELTS Topics

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Your English-speaking friend who lives in your town has asked for your advice about learning a new sport. Write an email to your friend. In your letter, recommend a new sport that would be suitable for your friend to learn explain how your friend could learn this sport suggest that you both learn this sport together
A friend you made while you studying abroad has writen to ask you help finding a in your country. You have heard about a job in a local company thd might be suitable for himm/her. Write a letter to this your letter • tell your friend about the job and what sort of work it involves • say why you think the job would be suitaue for him/her • explain how to apply gor the job.
International music events are a good way way to create friendships between cultures. To what extent do you agree with this.
Your friend has been offered a place on a course at the university where you studied. He/She would like your advice about finding a place to live. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter -describe where you lived when you were a student at the university -recommend the best way for him/her to look for accommodation -warn him/her of mistakes students make when choosing accommodation
You and some friends ate meal at the restaurants to celebrate a special occasion, and you were very pleased with the food and services. Write a letter to the restaurant manager. Give details of your visit to the restaurant Explain the reason for the celebration Say what was the good about the food and services.
A friens of yours has always admired your car. You have now decided to sell it. Write a letter to your friend to ask if he I interested in buying your car. In your letter, •Explain why you are selling your car. •Describe the good points and any bad points about your car. •Suggest the friend visits you to see and drive your car.
Your friend had made a plan for you to see a movie together but you cannot now not join him. You've found another friend who can go instead of you. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter: ● Explain why you cannot go anymore ● Say who can go instead of you ● Say why this person is a good person to go with
Last week, you celebrated your birthday with some friends in a restaurant. It was a great success and you and your friends enjoyed yourselves very much. Write a letter to the restaurant. In your letter mention the food and service explain that you really enjoyed the atmosphere suggest any improvements to make things better You should write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows: Dear Sir or Madam,
Nowadays, schools in various parts of the world report that students tend to have behavioural problems. Unfortunately, this will make it harder for schools to educate students as problematic behaviours are likely to interfere with the education process. There are some reasons as to why students behave inappropriately. Firstly, the way society works these days affect students’ behavioural patterns. For instance, parents might spend more time at work than at home and as a result, children lack parental guidance, not knowing how they are supposed to behave. This, in turn, is likely to cause them to have behavioural problems. Secondly, such behaviours might be caused by external influences, such as internet and television. Students, for example, might watch TV shows that use a lot of violence. Therefore, they are likely to imitate in real life by being more aggressive and using more violence. After all, students, especially teenagers, are easily affected by external parties. In order to counter such problem, teachers should be friendly while still maintaining their professionalism. By being friendly, teachers might be able to understand students’ point of views and thus devise the right strategies to connect with them. This is because students are more likely to listen to teachers if they feel they can relate to the teachers and that the teachers understand them. Furthermore, it is also important to handle students patiently. This is really crucial since rough treatments might worsen their behaviours or encourage them to play truant. It is, therefore, wiser to be patient and guide students gradually to be well-behaved rather than using force to do so. In conclusion, behavioural problems result from the way society works these days (e.g. lack of parental guidance) and external parties, such as bad influences from TV shows. Nevertheless, by understanding students’ views and guiding them patiently, students can gradually change and behave in a more appropriate manner.
There will be a traditional celebration in your country and you want to invite your friend from an English-speaking country. Write him/her a letter and invite your friend, explain what happens at the party, - describe the tradition and why it's important in your country, - say why it is important for your friend to be there.
Some people think that families have the most powerful influence on a child’s development, while others think other factors such as television, friend, music. etc. gave biggest effects. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
You are planning to go to a music concert in your town and would like a friend to accompany you. Write a letter to invite your friend to the concert you are planning to go to. In your letter, say: • what the content of the music concert is • where and when the music concert is • why you think your friend should go to this concert You should write at least 150 words
Write a letter to a friend who worked at your previous company. You have moved to a new job in a new city. • describe your city • describe your job • describe the arrangements for him to visit you Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows: Dear .....,
A friend from abroad is visiting your country next month. She is planning to stay with you, but you cannot accomodate her. Write a letter to her. Tell her the reasons. Aplogise Make alternative arrangements.
You have arranged a weekend holiday with a group of friends, but due to your studies you will now be unable to go with them. Write to your friends and •Tell them why you are unable to go • Say sorry for this • Suggest an alternative activity at another time.
English-speaking friend is coming to study in your town next year and has written asking for information and advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter: 1. Offer to find a place for him / her to live. 2. Give advice about how to find a part time job. 3. Give information on where they can learn your language.
You are interested in enrolling in a cooking class at a local college and would like a friend to come with you. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter say where and when the class will be held give reasons why you think your friend might be interested suggest a time and place to meet to discuss the idea Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses.
What book or film do you think portrays a country's culture the best? Would you recommend it to a foreign friend who wishes to learn and understand that country? Describe the book or film and explain why you would recommend it.
Certain individual tell that sparing time to enhance a successful career is the most vital thing. Opponent say the time spend with friends and family is more important. Debate both sides and give your opinion?
Some feel that it is impossible for a country to be economically progressive and environmentally friendly at the same time. Others disagree with this view. Discuss both points of view and give your opinion
your English-speaking friend who lives in your town has asked for your advice about learning a new sport Write an email to your friend. In your email -Recommend a new sport that would be suitable for your friend to learn -Explain how your friend could learn this sport -Suggest that you both learn this sport together Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows: Dear…,
Children usually want to play the same games and watch the same tv programs as their friends. Should Parents allow it or not? Give your opinion and examples from your experience.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. A friend you made while you were studying abroad has written to ask you for help in finding a job in your country. You have heard about a job in a local company that might be suitable for him/her. Write a letter to this friend. In your letter: tell your friend about the job and what sort of work it involves say why you think the job would be suitable for him/her explain how to apply for the job Write at least 150 words.
It is sometimes said that people who think only about themselves are happier because they get what they want. Others say that selfish people have no friends and are usually lonely. Why do you think some people act selfishly? Is it good to be selfish?
Write a letter to your friend. In your letter ● thank them for the photos and for the holiday ● explain why you didn’t write earlier ● invite them to come and stay with you.
You would like to invite a foreign friend to visit you for your birthday Write a letter inviting your friend. In your letter: tell your friend about your birthday explain how much the visit would mean to you suggest that your friend stays at your house for the visit
One of your friends has asked you to be a partner in his new business. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter: • Give your opinion of your friend's business idea • Tell him whether or not you have decided to accept the offer • Explain your reasons for this decision
Some people think it is important to spend time in developing a successful career while others think it is more important to spend time with family and friends. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
A friend of yours is thinking of going on a camping holiday for the first time this summer. He/She has asked for your advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter - explain why you think your friend would enjoy a camping holiday - describe some possible disadvantages - say whether you would like to go camping with your friend this summer Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows: Dea
Nowadays, more people away from their friends and families for work. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
You arranged to visit a friend abroad but an important event at home has forced you to change the dates of your visit. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter explain the importance of the event apologize for the situation suggest a new arrangement
Today in many countries in order to find work people have to move away from their friends and family. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
Some people think that social media platforms are useful for business and making new friends, while others think that such websites are harmful. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of social media.
Every weekend you and a few close friends meet to play a team sport. Last week one of your friends had an accident and was hospitalised. Since he was not able to make it you decide to write a letter to him, telling him about the match. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, tell him which team won describe the conditions on the day say how you felt about the match
Many people today have online friends, even if they rarely meet. In your opinion, how do online and more traditional face-to-face friendships compare?
Some people are making new friends by using socializing network website and Internet chat rooms. Some people say that this is a good thing. Other people say that people should make new friends by face-to-face chat. Discuss these views and give your own opinion.
Some people think it's better to choose friends who always have the same opinons as thet. Other people believe it's good to have frineds who sometimes disagree with them. Discuss both these views and give your own opinon.
J. You have unexpectedly come into a large sum of money and you want to share this good news with your friend. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter ● explain where the money came from ● say what you intend to do with the money ● invite your friend to celebrate your good fortune. Begin your letter as follows: Dear ___________,
An overseas friend wants to visit your country on holiday. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter Recommend the best time of year to visit and why Describe the types of accommodation your friend could choose Say what you would like to show your friend in your country Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows:
You have recently started a job in a new company.Write a letter to an English speaking friend. In your letter, - Explain why you changed the job - Describe your new job - Tell him/her your other news
A friend from overseas is planning to visit you soon. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter • explain why you are looking forward to the visit • describe the accommodations you have available for your friend • suggest some things to do during the visit Begin your letter as follows: Dear……
You are about to go on vocation for a month. A friend from another town will come and stay in your apartment. Write a letter to this friend. In you letter -explain where your friend can get the key to the apartment -give your friend some instructions about using your apartment -recommend some places to go
Write a letter to your friend asking him or her to take care of your childern while you are away on a business trip. In your letter, Write what they like to eat . Write how they would spend their time. Suggest an arrangement to pick them up after the trip.
Your friend is celebrating her Birthday soon and has invited you to a party. But you are unable to come because you are going to attend an important meeting that day. Write a letter to your friend and thank her for the invitation; explain why you cannot come; propose to meet on other day;
You went to your friend house and had meal. Write a letter to your friend thanking him and his family for the meal. 1) Tell what you enjoyed about the meal. 2) Thanks to his parents and what you think about them 3) suggest arrangements for his invite at your place.
Last month, you traveled to another city. You told a friend who lives in the city that you would meet them, but you did not. Write a letter to this friend. In your letter ● apologize for not meeting him/her ● explain why you did not contact him/her earlier ● suggest a time and place to meet in the future
One of your penfriends wants to improve his/her english in advance of moving to sydney Write a letter to your penfriend. Advise him/her about the following: listening skills, speaking skills and vocabulary.
university organized a trip to toronto write a letter to your friend about an eucationcal tour by our institution ask your friend about the tourist places, request your friend to arrange a weekend party for your classmates
Some people prefer to spend more time improving their careers. Others think that it’s more important to spend time with family and friends. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
ou found a job opportunity in a foreign country. Write a letter to your friend who knows about the country. In your letter mention the following: What is the nature of your future job Why did you apply for that job Ask for details and his/her advice about the country.
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