50 Latest Epidemic IELTS Topics

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Today more people are overweight than ever before. What in your opinion are the primary causes of this? What are the main effects of this epidemic?
Because of the covid epidemic, many people prefer to work or study from home instead of going to their workplace or university What are the advantages and disadvantages of this development?
Today more people are overweight than ever before. What in your opinion are the primary causes of this? hat are the main effects of this epidemic?
Today more people are overweight than ever before . What in your opinion are the primary causes of this? What measures can be taken to overcome this epidemic?
Today more people are overweight than ever before. What in your opinion are the primary causes of this? What are the main effect of this epidemic?
Today more and more people are overweight than before. What in your opinion are the primary causes of this. What are main affects of this epidemic.
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