50 Latest Egypt IELTS Topics

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The table displays consumption of water for three sectors in 4 particular nations. Overall, Egypt and Saudi allocated the highest percentage of usage of water in Agriculture while New Zealand and Canada exploit the most water in Industry sector. whereas, home irrigation accounted for the least water for the most countries given, except Canada. Regarding Egypt and Saudi, the consumption of water in Agriculture was the highest number with 82% and 64%, respectively. In addition, the percentage of water usage in Industry constituted 10% and 30%. Meanwhile, the minority of water utilization in home irrigation was below 10%, particularly 8% in Egypt and 6% in Saudi. Concerning to New Zealand and Canada, the majority of water in Industry witnessed in the most usage with 46% and 70%, respectively. Agriculture in New Zealand consumed 44% which was a bit lower than Industry in comparison, 10% was the figure which was seen in Canada, it was the lowest water in all of 3 sectors. However, the level of water in households in Canada was double in comparison with New Zealand with 20% and 10%.
The Syrian civil war began in 2011 under the influence of the Arab Spring when the people of Syria started asking for reforms Syrian government repressed peaceful demonstrations by force and through killing innocents. That is when the armed opposition formed in Syria and Bashar Al Assad started defending his authority with all his might. The Syrian proved Al Assad has no real authority in Syria. It makes him looking for help from Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah. Syrian people were started started. Russia and Iran use weapons against Syrian people. Syrian people started seeking refugees and help from other neighboring countries. War almost always creates a public disaster. Everywhere where war happens, civilization at risk. Many people in conflict areas need protection. They are innocent people who dream about the worth and safe world. Countries that focus their attention on ending war must put in extra effort to realize their mission. UN Representatives from various countries often propose peace missions as a solution. Through these representatives, countries can vocalize their opinions through communities like the UN where they are gathered and discuss world peacekeeping. Ironically, not all countries feel the same. In this case, several of them do not seem to support world peace. They focus on their political ideals. Therefore destruction and problematic scenarios continue. When talking about Syrian refugees there are always countries that are for and against their better interests. Countries like the US and organizations like the EU fully support ending the suffering in Syria. Other countries like Russia seem to not support the rebels or the end of their suffering, rather, they support the Syrian government. That is why there is not yet a consensus. Two draft texts — one from France and Spain, and the other from the Russian Federation — address the conflict in Syria. They failed to be adopted by the Security Council due to a heated debate on the content. Meanwhile, urgent calls for humanitarian intervention for the besieged city of Aleppo continue to be made. The French and Spanish text that would have had the Council demand an immediate halt to all aerial bombardments and military flights over the city of Aleppo received 11 affirmative votes, two abstentions (Angola and China), and two negative votes (Russian Federation and Venezuela). The Russian Federation’s text, by which the Council would have urged an immediate cessation of hostilities, particularly in Aleppo, received a vote of 4 in favor (China, Egypt, Russian Federation, Venezuela) to 9 against (France, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Senegal, Spain, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States), with 2 abstentions (Angola and Uruguay). The Statement JEAN-MARC AYRAULT, the French Minister for Foreign Affairs, supports the end of the conflict in Syria. He spoke in front of representatives from all over the world about Aleppo. What happened in Aleppo could be a horrendous repetition of what had happened in Guernica, Sarajevo, and Grozny. ROMÁN OYARZUN MARCHESI (Spain) stated that the ongoing conflict could still be ahead. He demanded international organizations to not close their eyes to the situation. If the conflict could be ended, 1000 towns could be saved and a humanitarian catastrophe could be stopped. He talked about the intolerable actions of the Syrian Government who removed medical assistance to these areas. France and Spain have done everything they can to make the 15 nation council come to a consensus. The Russians continue to veto this proposal. VITALY I. CHURKIN (Russian Federation) the Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs and Security Council President for October, spoke to his nation, stating that the backstory to the draft resolution was well known. He argued that after destroying Libya, the troika of permanent Western members of the Security Council had turned its eyes on Syria. Furthermore, the French delegation had not put forward a single constructive initiative. In its current proposed draft, the concept of a ban on all military flights had not been fleshed out. Denying Syrian Refugee Various countries deny Syrian refugees come to their country to get asylum. The US has denied an application from 7 % of Syrian refugees regarding their migration. I think this case is unique. Syrian refugees must apply application forms to be selected later by the US administration. There will be failed application and accepted application. US faced dilemma whether they accepted or not. Syrian refugee often associated with a “terrorist country”. Various countries must be thinking twice to accept a thousand people who come from Syria. It is caused by previous terror in Paris, officers find a Syrian passport who belong to one of the terrorists.
The graph shows the contribution of tourism, construction and agriculture to the Egyptian economy from 1982 to 2003.
The pie chart below shows information about world water resources and the bar chart shows the ultilization of water in egypt, saudi arabia and canada
The Syrian civil war began in 2011 under the influence of the Arab Spring when the people of Syria started asking for reforms Syrian government repressed peaceful demonstrations by force and through killing innocents. That is when the armed opposition formed in Syria and Bashar Al Assad started defending his authority with all his might. Syrian people proved Al Assad has no real authority in Syria. It makes him looking help from Russia, Iran and Hezbollah. Syrian people was started. Russia and Iran use weapon against Syrian people. Syrian people started seeking refugees and help from other neighboring countries. War almost always creates public disaster. Everywhere where war happens, civilization at risk. There are many people in conflict areas who need protection. They are innocent people who actually dream about a worth and safe world. Countries who focus their attention on ending war must put in extra effort to realize their mission. UN Representatives from various countries often propose peace missions as a solution. Through these representatives, countries can vocalize their opinions through communities like the UN where they are gather and discuss world peacekeeping. Ironically, not all countries feel the same. In this case, several of them do not seem to support world peace. They are focused on their own political ideals. Therefore destruction and problematic scenarios continue. When talking about Syrian refugees there are always countries that are for and against their better interests. Countries like the US and organizations like the EU fully support ending the suffering in Syria. Other countries like Russia seem to not support the rebels or the end of their suffering, rather, they support the Syrian government. That is why there is not yet a consensus. Two draft texts — one from France and Spain, and the other from the Russian Federation — address the conflict in Syria. They failed to be adopted by the Security Council due to a heated debate on the content. Meanwhile, urgent calls for humanitarian intervention for the besieged city of Aleppo continue to be made. The French and Spanish text that would have had the Council demand an immediate halt to all aerial bombardments and military flights over the city of Aleppo received 11 affirmative votes, two abstentions (Angola and China), and two negative votes (Russian Federation and Venezuela). The Russian Federation’s text, by which the Council would have urged an immediate cessation of hostilities, particularly in Aleppo, received a vote of 4 in favour (China, Egypt, Russian Federation, Venezuela) to 9 against (France, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Senegal, Spain, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States), with 2 abstentions (Angola and Uruguay). The Statement JEAN-MARC AYRAULT, the French Minister for Foreign Affairs, supports the end of the conflict in Syria. He spoke in front of representatives from all over the world about Aleppo. What happened in Aleppo could be a horrendous repetition of what had happened in Guernica, Sarajevo and Grozny. ROMÁN OYARZUN MARCHESI (Spain) stated that the ongoing conflict could be still ahead. He demanded for international organizations to not close their eyes to the situation. If the conflict could be ended, 1000 towns could be saved and a humanitarian catastrophe could be stopped. He talked about the intolerable actions of the Syrian Government who removed medical assistance to these areas. France and Spain have done everything they can to make the 15 nation council come to a consensus. The Russians continue to veto this proposal. VITALY I. CHURKIN (Russian Federation) the Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs and Security Council President for October, spoke for his nation, stating that the backstory to the draft resolution was well known. He argued that after destroying Libya, the troika of permanent Western members of the Security Council had turned its eyes on Syria. Furthermore, the French delegation had not put forward a single constructive initiative. In its current proposed draft, the concept of a ban on all military flights had not been fleshed out. Denying Syrian Refugee Various countries deny Syrian refugees come to their country to get asylum. US have denied application from 7 % Syrian refugees regarding to their migration. I think this case is unique. syrian refugees must apply application forms to be selected later by US administration. There will be failed application and accepted application. US faced dilemma whether they accepted or not.Syrian refugee often associated with a “terrorist country”. Various country must be thinking twice to accept thousand people who comes from Syria. It is caused by previous terror in Paris, officers find Syrian passport who belong to one of terrorists.
Some people say that the best way to solve environmental problems is to increase the price of fuel Do you agree or disagree Opinion my contention. I am convinced that Disagree reason 1. B1. Economic recession Egypt Reason 2. Social issues Third world countries Fuel petrol gas. Oil gasoline Raising fuel prices Raising fuel prices The value of petrol rises
The Syrian civil war began in 2011 under the influence of the Arab Spring when the people of Syria started asking for reforms Syrian government repressed peaceful demonstrations by force and through killing innocents. That is when the armed opposition formed in Syria and Bashar Al Assad started defending his authority with all his might. The Syrian proved Al Assad has no real authority in Syria. It makes him looking help from Russia, Iran and Hezbollah. Syrian people were started started. Russia and Iran use weapons against Syrian people. Syrian people started seeking refugees and help from other neighboring countries. War almost always creates public disaster. Everywhere where war happens, civilization at risk. There are many people in conflict areas who need protection. They are innocent people who actually dream about a worth and safe world. Countries who focus their attention on ending war must put in extra effort to realize their mission. UN Representatives from various countries often propose peace missions as a solution. Through these representatives, countries can vocalize their opinions through communities like the UN where they are gather and discuss world peacekeeping. Ironically, not all countries feel the same. In this case, several of them do not seem to support world peace. They focus on their own political ideals. Therefore destruction and problematic scenarios continue. When talking about Syrian refugees there are always countries that are for and against their better interests. Countries like the US and organizations like the EU fully support ending the suffering in Syria. Other countries like Russia seem to not support the rebels or the end of their suffering, rather, they support the Syrian government. That is why there is not yet a consensus. Two draft texts — one from France and Spain, and the other from the Russian Federation — address the conflict in Syria. They failed to be adopted by the Security Council due to a heated debate on the content. Meanwhile, urgent calls for humanitarian intervention for the besieged city of Aleppo continue to be made. The French and Spanish text that would have had the Council demand an immediate halt to all aerial bombardments and military flights over the city of Aleppo received 11 affirmative votes, two abstentions (Angola and China), and two negative votes (Russian Federation and Venezuela). The Russian Federation’s text, by which the Council would have urged an immediate cessation of hostilities, particularly in Aleppo, received a vote of 4 in favour (China, Egypt, Russian Federation, Venezuela) to 9 against (France, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Senegal, Spain, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States), with 2 abstentions (Angola and Uruguay). The Statement JEAN-MARC AYRAULT, the French Minister for Foreign Affairs, supports the end of the conflict in Syria. He spoke in front of representatives from all over the world about Aleppo. What happened in Aleppo could be a horrendous repetition of what had happened in Guernica, Sarajevo and Grozny. ROMÁN OYARZUN MARCHESI (Spain) stated that the ongoing conflict could still be ahead. He demanded for international organizations to not close their eyes to the situation. If the conflict could be ended, 1000 towns could be saved and a humanitarian catastrophe could be stopped. He talked about the intolerable actions of the Syrian Government who removed medical assistance to these areas. France and Spain have done everything they can to make the 15 nation council come to a consensus. The Russians continue to veto this proposal. VITALY I. CHURKIN (Russian Federation) the Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs and Security Council President for October, spoke to his nation, stating that the backstory to the draft resolution was well known. He argued that after destroying Libya, the troika of permanent Western members of the Security Council had turned its eyes on Syria. Furthermore, the French delegation had not put forward a single constructive initiative. In its current proposed draft, the concept of a ban on all military flights had not been fleshed out. Denying Syrian Refugee Various countries deny Syrian refugees come to their country to get asylum. US has denied application from 7 % Syrian refugees regarding to their migration. I think this case is unique. Syrian refugees must apply application forms to be selected later by the US administration. There will be failed application and accepted application. US faced dilemma whether they accepted or not. Syrian refugee often associated with a “terrorist country”. Various countries must be thinking twice to accept thousand people who comes from Syria. It is caused by previous terror in Paris, officers find a Syrian passport who belong to one of the terrorists.
The graph shows the contribution of tourism in billions of dollars to the Egyptian economy from 1982 to 2003.
Some people believe that the best way to solve environmental problems is to increase the price of fuels do you agree or disagree? Opinion Disagree. Economic problems Egypt Disagree. Social problems Third world countries
The chart above, illustrates four factors regarding the standards of life in different countries (Bangladesh, Bolivia, Egypt, Indonesia, USA).
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