50 Latest Candidate IELTS Topics

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Today, many people do not know their neighbours in large cities. BRITISH COUNCIL Candidate Name idp IELTS AUSTRALIA What problems does this cause? What can be done about this?
You have seen a job advertisement in some newspaper. Write a letter to your friend asking him to consider this job. Please say: - Where have you seen the ad? - What is the job description? - Why do you think, he is a suitable candidate for it?
You would like to apply for a full-time position at an international airport. Write to the human resource department and say. -What job you are interested in -Explain what you are currently doing -Why do you think you are best candidate for the job
Most companies use interviews as the primary method to elect a candidate for a job some people think that this is not the best way Do you agree or disagree ?
You wish to apply for a position with a company in your city. Write a letter to the manager of this company and include the following information: - your educational background - your work experience - other information that makes you an ideal candidate for the position
Your local council is planning to hold an election to choose members from the society but there are no young people on the council and you think that the council needs young people's views. You are thinking of standing for election. Write a letter to the head of the council. In your letter, state why you want to be elected mention why you think you would be a good candidate describe your qualities, skills, experience, interests, if any
Your local council has advertised for volunteers to teach on a basic English programme for refugees. You would like to do some work for this programme in your free time. Write a letter to the programme coordinator. In your letter • explain why you would like to do unpaid work on this programme • describe why you are a suitable candidate • say when you are available to teach.
Many people think that interviews aren't the best way to assess the suitability of a candidate for a position. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some employers put more emphasis on practical skills than theoretical knowledge. Others insist that candidates have an academic background or formal qualifications. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
You would like to join the local orchestra. Write a letter of application to the orchestra. In the letter: – Introduce yourself and your instrument of choice – Explain how your credentials make you a good candidate – Express your enthusiasm for music
Your local council has advertised for volunteers to teach on a basic english programme for refugees. You would like to do some work for this programme in your free time. Write a letter to the programmer coordinator. In your letter - explain why you would like to do unpaid work on this programme -describe why you are a suitable candidate -say when you are available to teach
You would like to apply for a full-time position at an international airport. Write to the human resource department and say. -What job you are interested in -Explain what you are currently doing - Why do you think you are best candidate for the job
When choosing the best candidate for a job, employers should consider personal qualities more than qualification and experience. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
many people think that interviews are not the best way to assess the suitability of a candidate for a position. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Examinations are one of the most common methods of measuring learning in education systems throughout the world. At virtually every stage of the learning process, exams are used to verify that the learner is ready to move on to the next stage. However, many people believe that the role of examinations should be reconsidered. There are clearly certain advantages to exams. They help to ensure fairness by imposing the same conditions on all exam candidates. They are also relatively versatile; different types of exam questions, for example, multiple-choice questions and essay tasks, can test different sorts of reasoning ability. However, exams also have clear drawbacks. Test-wise candidates can often perform well on exams without having good underlying knowledge or skills. On the other hand, some test-takers perform poorly in exams simply because of anxiety. Some teachers and learners focus only on those aspects of the curriculum that are likely to be tested, thus narrowing the educational experience for all. A number of measures should be taken to address these concerns. Wherever possible, exams should match the content and activities of the learning environment. Exam tasks should be varied to give fair opportunities to candidates with different types of skills. Other types of assessment should also be considered; assignment writing, for example, to assess independent learning and research skills, or group projects, to measure teamwork ability. Exams clearly have a role to play in ensuring proper, objective assessment of achievement. However, exams need to be carefully designed and supplemented with other forms of assessment if they are to be a truly useful component of the educational system.
You would like to join the local orchestra. Write a letter of application to the orchestra. In the letter: – Introduce yourself and your instrument of choice – Explain how your credentials make you a good candidate – Express your enthusiasm for music
you recently took an IELTS test and there some problems that you believe affected your score. write a letter to the British council or IDP. in your letter explain what happened say if other candidates were affected and explain what you would like the BC/IDP to do.
Some employers think that job candidates social skills are more important than there academic qualifications Do you agree or disagree
restaurant has advertised in a newspaper that a waiter/waitress is required for evening work. It has also been mentioned that the prospective candidate should have some experience. Write a letter to Mr Moore describing your previous experience and explaining why you would be suitable for the job.
You work in a busy but poorly organised office and you are keen to be promoted. Your employer needs to find a new supervisor for your department. Write a letter to your employer. In the letter ask to be considered for this job explain why you would be a suitable candidate outline the current problems and the changes you would like to make
Today, in this competitive world when many new ideas are evolving every day. It is essential for everybody to be competent with communication as well as presentation skill. I agree that our current generation lacks these skills and to ensure that our future generation is strong with these must skills, we should start giving training from the school itself. This essay will assert few points justifying why speaking and presenting are very important skills for anybody to grow professionally. The profession could be any like a manager in IT company or product company, politician, scientist at NASA, or a individual contributor in any project, in every day of professional life, you have to prepare a presentation and speak to your manager or supervisor to elaborate your ideas. If you lack in any of these skills, you will face problem in convincing people to follow your thoughts. It is very hard to become representative of company or a town or a country without having good communication skill. Even, these skills are so important that almost all employers conduct group discussions before hiring a candidate. Then, the important question is how to become expert with these skills? We learn many of our behaviours or skills either from parents or training institute. Without any doubt, parents are the initial teacher for any kids. Kids learn talking and good behaviors from parents. Once they are grown up and start going to school, responsibility partially shifts from parents to school as kids mingle with many other students in school and participate in many activities like speech competition, annual functions, exhibitions etc. So, the school should add special scheduled training to let students learn and practice presentation and speaking skills in public. To conclude, speaking and presenting in public are essential skills for all to progress in professional life and school should give special attention to make their students far away from stage fear or presenting in public.
The contentious argument that whether organizations can solicit personal information from job seekers in an employment application has sparked a heated debate among many. In this essay, I will illustrate the merits and demerits of such practice by employers and then provide my own opinion. On the one hand, there are benefits to organizations in acquiring information about a prospective employee, including his hobbies, marital status, et cetera. The primary advantage is that the multinational corporations can gauge whether an applicant is a best-fit or not for a vacancy by asking for his or her personal data. For instance, a position that requires travelling frequently to various metropolitan cities in the world will not be a good-fit for married people because of their marital commitment. In addition, an organization can increase its employee retention rate by enquiring about a potential hire’s hobbies and interests. For example, a financial analyst who is fond of latest gadgets would be excited to work for a high tech corporation rather than another applicant who despises an advanced device. On the other hand, there are some cons in employers seeking personal information from job applicants. First of all, an organization may inadvertently drive away the best qualified candidate who has privacy concerns by asking for one’s hobbies, interests, marital status, et cetera. Moreover, some employers may resort to discriminatory practices by selecting potential hires based on their personal preferences. For instance, an interviewer who despises a game of cricket may overlook an applicant whose passion is to play with a bat and ball. Having considered a range of arguments, I firmly believe that the merits of an organization seeking personal information from job candidates outweigh the drawbacks; employers can match applicants to the vacancies and increase employee retention rates.
Today, in this competitive world when many new ideas are evolving every day, it is essential for everybody to be competent with communication as well as presentation skills. I agree that our current generation lacks these skills and to ensure that our future generation is strong with these must skills, we should start giving training from school itself. This essay will assert few points justifying why speaking and presenting are very important skills for anybody to grow professionally. The profession could be any like manager in IT company or product company, politician, scientist in Nasa, or individual contributor in any project, in every day of professional life, you have to prepare presentation and speak to your manager or supervisor to elaborate your ideas. If you lack in any of these skills, you will face problem in convincing people to follow your thoughts. Also, if you dream to represent your company or town or country at any stage of your life, it is very hard without good communication skill. Even, these skills are so important that almost all employers conduct group discussions ask you prepare report before hiring a candidate. Then, the important question is how to become expert with these skills? We learn many of our behavior or skills either from parents or training institute. Without any doubt, parents are the first teacher for any kid. Kids learn talking and good behaviors from parents. Once they are grown up and start going to school, responsibility partially shifts from parents to school as kids mingle with many other students in school and participate in many activities like speech competition, annual functions, exhibitions etc. So, school should add special scheduled training to let students learn and practice presentation and speaking skills in public. To conclude, speaking and presenting in public are essential skills for all to progress in professional life and school should give special attention to keep their students far away from stage fear or presenting in public.
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