IELTS Writing Samples Band 8.5

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A large number of individuals who join an organisation are often lacking in soft skills. This is mainly because of the lack of training and unawareness about workplace etiquettes. There are a number of measures that can be taken to improve the situation at work.
It is inevitable to say that the nations across the globe will definitely face the intense consequences in the upcoming decade in correlation with the ecosystem, population and the education as well. The world-wide news such as depletion of the Ozone layer, melting of the glaciers and alteration in the climatic cycle, are significantly prevalent these days. If analysed deeply, all of the contributing elements seem to be interconnected which following essay will discuss further, and will also present some solutions.
Nowadays, many families have a dual sources of income. In most homes, both husband and wife, have to earn in order to make ends meet. However, some people have argued, that this will be of benefit to the children, while others believe that the children will be affected majorly, as they may lack parental support. In fact, I agree with the former. This essay will discuss both points of view.
Nowadays, the world is at a great risk with proliferation of environmental pollution. Some people are considering that increment of fuel cost will reduce these environmental issues. I agreed with this statement up to a certain extent, however, there are many other ways to deal with this issue instead of looking at only one aspect of the problem. Following essay will discuss both sides of it in detail.
In the contemporary world, people are busy with fighting their own battles to pursue a better quality of life. Even though, advancements in technology and science is helping to make these persuasions a reality to a great extent, still they are looking for a work by a musician, a painter or a writer when they want to obtain their peace of mind. The arts have the great ability of calming down a person's mind, following essay will discuss factors of this in detail.
Readers are leaders! But some parents believe that their children should read only serious materials related to their education and should not waste time on other reading materials such as magazines, comic column in newspaper or reader's digest. I disagree with the concept of students reading only serious educational books, instead they should be allowed to read both.
Advertisements have become an industry over recent years. A number of people think that advertisements affect negatively customers. I completely agree with this view and this essay will discuss why advertising has harmful effects on people despite a few potential advantages.
Advertisements have become a major concern over recent years. While a number of parents believe that children are being manipulated by commercials, advertisement experts suggest that commercials give information. This essay will discuss how advertisements can be misguiding for children and why they can be informative and I will give my opinion.
In the salad days of the millennium, society is polarised into two groups almost equally. Regarding the notion that, whether the government should support the artist with a plethora of incentives or spend money on other sectors such as environment, water etc. However, different people have distinct mindset. I do not agree with both the views. In my opinion, the authorities should support the inventor as well as other matters. The following paragraph would shed light on both approaches before making a final note.
We are constantly surrounded by advertising, from television commercials, radio advertisement or billboards to posters on the roads. People have different views about the effects of advertising on our lives. In my opinion, there are both positive and negative impacts of advertising.
In the salad days of the millennium, the society is polarised into two groups almost equally. Regarding the notion that, whether environment protection is the duty of the government or its responsibility for individuals. However, different people have their distinct mindset. From my standpoint, it will be more beneficial if both the country’s authorities and individuals share the burden. The following paragraphs would cast light on both the approaches before making a final note.
Today's world, in some nation's income range is too wide that few are earning an extremely high remunerations. Some people believe that earning a high income is in favour of a nation while others think that this trend does more harm than good, hence the government should limit it up to a certain pay level. In this essay, I will discuss both views and outline my opinion on that.
Since the social media has been invented, it has become a major platform for communication and people can keep themselves up to date with their lives and about their families and friends lives as well. But many people believe that, positing your personal information has potential risks. In my opinion, there are more advantages than disadvantages.
In the contemporary era, there is a heated argument over the issue that, the governments and large industries solve environmental issues, and not on individuals. A lion's share of the society favours it, However, the rest goes adverse it. I do not quite agree with this view. In my opinion, everyone has the responsibility to contribute their bit to reverse environmental damage.
In the contemporary world, along with the urbanisation, people's lives have become more difficult with various aspects. Some of them can be named as low quality of basic amenities, space constraints and lack of social security. Following essay will discuss these difficulties in details and come to a conclusion whether the governments should take actions to promote people to live in suburban areas instead of large cities.
In the contemporary era, there is a heated argument over the issue whether the government should spend their money on developing sports and arts for supporting professionals for mass people. A lion's share of the society favours development, however, the rest goes adverse and favours professionals. I do not completely agree with either of these perspectives and will support my explanation with relevant examples.
In the salad days of the millennium, the society is polarised into two groups almost equally. Regarding the notion that, whether schools should enrol students as per their academic abilities, while others are against it. However, different people have their distinct mindset. In my opinion, academic institutions should student of various skills and ability. Thus, everyone can experience each others part. The following paragraphs would shed light on both the approaches before making a final note.
Money has become an important issue among family members. A number of people think that giving pocket money to children weekly will reduce money problems in their future life as an adult. I completely agree with this view and I believe that children should learn how to manage their money which is given by their parents.
Consumer goods have become the mainstay of people’s living.  This essay is an attempt to study the merits and demerits and provide a conclusion.
More violence content in the media and the lack of correct guidance from parents are to blame for an endemic of juvenile delinquency all around the world. There are a number of punishments which should be meted out to deter youth crime.
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