IELTS Writing Samples Band 8

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The life of the majority of the communities runs by the rules, which allow them to keep functioning. In contrast, the idea of the free will for each one may be detrimental for the society at large. I completely agree with this statement and want to discover some aspects in this essay.
Urban development faces a big question: Should cities spread out or build up? Increasing population and tightening space make this question more relevant. Horizontal cities offer lots of space and individual residences, giving people a greater sense of belonging and a greater connection to the environment. In contrast, vertical cities are more efficient and eco-friendly, with tall buildings and smaller living spaces designed to fix the problem of insufficient housing.
In today’s fast-paced global society, countless individuals migrate abroad for a better quality of life. Many advocates that people conform to local customs and traditions when settling in a new country. I strongly agree with this idea because of some problems and benefits that people can face with them.
Digitalization has transformed our way of living across virtually every aspect of human life, including literacy. Digital literary products such as e-newspapers and e-books have played essential roles in various sectors, notably education. With the spur of digitalization policies, being digital-ready is increasingly a must-have in the literary world. Due to its convenience and integrative features, digital literature is poised to transform how people engage with reading, potentially diminishing the preference for printed newspapers and books significantly.
In today’s modern world, significant growth toward online coaching programs can be seen, thus some sections of society assert that online coaching is a preferable option compared to face-to-face coaching. This essay vehemently agrees with this development due to its accessibility and lower cost.
There is an increase in the number of tremendously significant hardships for some nations all over the world, which relates to not only the habitats but also the density of citizens and schooling issues. There are plenty of issues that need to be faced in Vietnam in the next few decades, but the most common of which are air pollution and poor schooling conditions. This essay will outline the difficulties that my country has a tendency to face and present some environmentally beneficial methods that could help to address these problems.
Nowadays, technological advancement has led society to alter numerous ways of living. Most individuals will communicate and interact with one another using their electronic devices or the internet on a daily basis. Therefore, I completely disagree that the social bonds people have is deteriorating due to technology. On the contrary, I believe that it has a pivotal role in connecting humans as well as tightening relationships all over the world.
Recently, many researchers have predicted that environment, population, and education are going to be the top problems for many nations around the globe, including my country: Indonesia. As one of the third-world nations, we are still busy fighting the disparity between the capital land Jawa and other areas, especially in education. I personally believe community-based mentoring movement led by local-born individuals will reduce the gaps. In this essay, I shall explain these points with my personal experience.
Nowadays the internet has been enrooted in our daily lifestyle. It has created a huge impact on the lives of the people because it has gained significant ground in the recent few years as compared to other sources of information and entertainment which includes television as well. This essay sides with the above-mentioned argument and explains why it has tremendously influenced our standards of living by shedding light on the facts backed by logical reasoning.
In today’s modern world, how to properly facilitate the well-rounded development of youngsters has always been raising lots of controversies. Many individuals believe that the greatest way to cope with this issue is to have more physical education lessons and sports activities in school. From my point of view, I totally agree with this statement for the following reasons.
Gender equality has been a widespread discourse around the globe as thousands of women fight for their rights' fulfilment through demonstrations and campaigns. Some people believe that equality has to be established in professional areas, which allows women to have the same role in dangerous occupations, namely police and military. This will be proven true by discussing women's physical ability and how society will unravel their true potential without discrimination.
Nowadays, an increasing number of students travel overseas for higher education. Whereas some people argue that studying abroad is a quite positive experience, others hold the opinion that several issues are connected with this trend. I truly believe that international education has more beneficial outcomes, and this essay will explain why.
Nowadays, there are a lot of people, who prefer to keep staying things the same. In this essay, I am going to explain the reasons for refusing everything new as well as explore the positives of embracing change.
Opinions vary on the benefits of driverless vehicles. Despite the fact that there are drawbacks to autonomous driving, I believe that it brings much more benefits.
In today's society where every single aspect of people's lives is being advanced, the significance of one's personal proficiency in various matters arises. In this essay, I will delve into my reasons why I completely agree with the given statement. In my opinion, reliance on educational institutions should not be encouraged due to the availability of different learning opportunities nowadays that may expand an individual's horizon.
As the incorporation of technology and entertainment is beginning to advance, children and adolescents are spending a questionable amount of hours playing computer games. For this reason, numerous health professionals have expressed their concerns about the impacts it may have. This essay will assess the benefits and drawbacks of gaming on younger people as well as delve into how it can possibly enrich children's skills and temper with their perspective of the world at once.
The key to a successful business has always been a subject of interest for industries and commercial setups. Most people side with the fact that better promotion of the product and improved marketing are the backbone of business excellence. From my point of view, this is indeed true on a grand scale and this essay strongly resonates with the aforementioned statement as it will illustrate substantial facts backed up by logical reasoning.
When you enter into a university, you have the chance to research and learn what you are truly curious about. Some students tend to concentrate on their basic courses and others want to stick their necks out of it and get to know more about other subjects. In my view, there shouldn't be any limit to educating more, if have the capacity. In this essay, I will examine both attitudes and introduce my standpoint.
Legislations passed in numerous countries demand labourers to cease to work in their 60s, yet there is an ongoing debate on whether one's retirement time should be up to themselves. This essay will utilise my perspective and provide logical reasons why retiring should be a willful choice and not a forced obligation. In my opinion, working is a basic human right that correlates with an individual's well-being.
It is widely believed that old people have to stay in senior homes instead of living with their own family. Personally, I can neither completely agree nor disagree with this statement for a variety of reasons.
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