IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I hope this email finds you in radiant health and you are doing well. I am writing this email to suggest you some advice about a holiday that you are planning to go to next month.
I hope this letter finds you healthy and wealthy. I am writing to draw your attention to Vancouver as the most interesting holiday destination from my standpoint.
How are you?, I hope you are doing well. I got your mail that you are planning a holiday soon; I recommend you go to New York as I went there last summer with my parents.
I hope you are doing well. I got your mail that you are planning a holiday soon, I would recommend you to go New York as I went there last summer with my parents.
I hope you are doing great. I was so happy to receive your letter and know that you are coming to visit Spain. Unfortunately, I won't be able to see you as I am very busy at work. However, I can definetely recommend you
Hope you’re pink in health. I’m happy to hear that finally you’re taking a break from your busy work schedule and planning for a holiday trip, also I am very pleased to recommend a destination.
Congratulation on getting admitted to your dream university. I am really happy for you and all the hard work you have putten paid off really well. In addition, I know you want to explore the world before you leave for yo
I am very grateful to ask me about a holiday destination, which I have already visited. I want to tell you that the last summer, I went to Punjab for my vacation, which is a good destination for a holiday because there
I'm so glad to hear that you will visit Cheng Du City next month from your email. As I mentioned to you before, this is an amazing city I've visited over five times. I'm so happy to give you some ideas and interesting de
Hi Anna, it has been a long time since we met at Hany's Weeding. I miss you so much. Anyway, I have received your letter which is asking me about your plan to visit my hometown in Bandung. I was glad when I read it.
Hope you are doing well !How are your studies going on ?I had received your letter and I and I are more than happy to help you regarding the vacation destination you have asked about and I will recommend the best place t
Thanks for your letter. I‛m glad you and the family are well. So, you‛re thinking of going on holiday in the UK. Well I can certainly recommend one destination for you. I went one year to a place called Lochinver in the
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