IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am writing this letter regarding the trouble I recently faced at Pearson Airport Canada. In other words, I accidently missed my flight because of the missguidance by the employees.
The reason why I am addressing is that I missed my flight because I arreved to the airport late.I am sorry you for my irresponsibility besides,if possible I would like you to give me one more flight ticket.
I am writing to inform you of my dissatisfaction regarding the airport service provided at the business lounge and as a consequence, I have missed my international flight to Dubai.
I am writing to express my feelings about a flight missing problem at the airport yesterday. I believe that you must understand my situation. During that day, I had a very important meeting with a very famous customer wh
I was extremely happy with the ticket when I booked online easily. However, I am writing this letter to express my dissatisfaction with the airport system which was encountered a problem. Unfortunately, the plane had a t
I am writing to lodge a formal complaint about the error was made by one of your JFK airport employees. The situation has made a great inconvience to me and thworted my plans.
It is Sarvinoz, This year, On December 22, I get into the flight of 606, seating number 22. But, the Drivers of not pay attention,and i missed flying.
I’m writing because I skipped my international flight to New Zealand a few hours ago. However, it wasn’t my fault, the airport had a technical issue with baggage checking and I got stuck in a huge queue for an hour and
I am writing this letter to bring to your attention the fact that yesterday i missed my flight from Vancouver to Toronto through Flaires airline due to an accident.
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