IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am Dilya Umarovna staying at Kashqadarya region,Uzbekistan.I am writing to ask for information about the specific requirements in regards to receiving a business loan to invest in my new venture.
I hope this email finds you in good health. I am writing this letter to obtain some business loans from your esteemed financial institutions as I have a plan to start a small business soon.
I wanted to startmy own small business.I am writing to ask about obtaining a business loan to finance my new company.I am hoping you would finance my company with some document requirement so that I can apply for the loa
I am Anand Vaishnav staying at Forest Street, Australia. I am writing a letter to get the specific requirements in regards to receiving a business loan to invest in my new venture.
I am writing this letter to request a bank loan for my business startup. Well, my plan is to build a software house where we will be creating a different websites and an applications as per the client business and their
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