IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Undoubtedly, with resources increasing and technology improving, the boundaries between countries seem lower than before. Therefore, some teachers and parents suggest schools increase subjects that provide international
Human consumption is one of the main needs that has an impact on all aspects of their life. A group of people believe it is necessary for students to study nutrition science and way of preparation in the best way, whil
In today’s world, individuals are encouraged to pursue their passion. Many people argue that pupils should be allowed to choose their subjects based on their interests while few think that all the students should study t
To servive in this internationally linked world, many people have the opinion that students should learn about the major events which have been happening in the world by introducing a new subject into the official academ
To service in this internationally linking world, many people have the opinion that students should learn about the major events which has been happening in the world by introducing the new subject into the official acad
Some people think that children should learn multiple topics at their educational institution while others trust that the materials should be limited to fields that intrigue them and excel at only.
The way of teaching is always a crucial issue for children's education. Some regard students should learn every subject at school, in contrast, the others believe focus on the majors which students are expert in would be
Elites are always concerned about subjects studied at school. These days, wheather students should study international news at secondary schools or not has became a matter of debate. I reckon schools should spend their
Schools provide knowledge and values that are of utmost importance in children's development. Some principles can be conveyed on a day-to-day basis in the classroom, however, the dynamic of sports contributes deeply to f
The educational system around the globe has always been debatable. Some people assert that children should have the will to choose subjects to study, while others think every child should learn the same topics. I strongl
In today competitive world,many families find it necessary for both parents to go out of work .Abjure by the point of view .I harmonize that there should be requisite for families to earn a better livelihood.
The topic of which subjects offspring should learn at school is controversial. While some argue that children ought to study all fields, others believe they should focus solely on lessons they excel at or are interested
In the declamation of do secondary students should study one subject of international news in school I will strongly agree with this thought. Yes, secondary school students should study one subject as internatonal news a
An idea of whether children should learn all subjects at school or only a specific one depending on their interests or capability is worth to be discussed. During the elementary school period, it would be wise to introdu
It is believed by some echelons that study courses should be decided by toddlers, while others oppose this by stating that everyone should study the same subjects. I strongly agree with the first statement, because choos
The debate over the ideal access to education has sparked discussions on whether students should study all subjects or focus only on those they excel at or find interesting. This essay will explore both perspectives and
The debate over the ideal approach to education has sparked discussions on whether children should study all subjects or focus only on those they excel at or find interesting. This essay will explore both perspectives an
Whether children should study all subjects in school or they should choose especially which one they want to know is still discussed issue. Some individuals discuss that children should take course in special subjects wh
Issues related to alternative education are frequently discussed these days. Although some believe that children should study all subjects at school, others criticize this and argue that they should only study subjects t
There are some debates have been contunied constantly how we create a modern cirruculum for secondary school children. Some believes that the international news should be added their educational life as a lesson, while o
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