IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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People have differing views about whether bodily strength or psychological potency is the principal key to achievement in sports. Some argue that physical exercise plays a pivotal role in attaining victory matches. Howev
There are controversial perspectives heating a debate over success in sport. While some claim that it is necessary for people to have physical strength, the opposite makes a statement that mentally strong is more signifi
Some people opine that to be successful in sport, athletes should be fit physically , while other individuals commence that mental fitness is more crucial for a sportsperson. In this essay, I will look at both views and
Many famous athletes are strong mentally and physically. Some people think physical is more important than mental, whereas some think strong mentally is the most vital. In my opinion, I strongly believe both of them are
Some people believe that in order to be successful in sports, you must be physically powerful. Others argue that mental toughness is more essential than physical toughness. From my viewpoint, I believe that mental streng
Athletics are one of the activities which can help people in many different ways. However, to succeed in playing sports, there are numerous aspects to it. Some people believe that physical power is the main cause to be s
Athletics are one of the activities which can help people in many different ways. However, to succeed in playing sports, there are numerous aspects to it. Some people believe that physical firmness is the main cause to b
There is no denying that sport is popular among all age groups. People are divided in their opinion regarding the importance of psychological and physiological strength in the games. From my point of view, both mental an
For getting success in sport, some people claim that sportsmen should have physical strength, while for others it is crucial to be mentally strong. In this essay I would like to observe both views and to determine my opi
There are people whose opinion is that to be professional in sports, athletes might have to be strong in physical health. However, there is another opposing view that mental health is more significant. In my opinion, the
The success in sports is determined by a multitude of factors. Some people believe that physical health is the main key to sport achievements. However, others contend that the decisive factor to win a game is mental prow
Traditionally, people believed that sports were in the domain of those who were bigger, faster, or stronger than their peers; however, nowadays people value mental strength and believe that this is the most important fac
It is argued that whether mental toughness or physical strength is the key factor to achieving excellence in sports. While I agree that athletes should build a strong body to enhance their endurance in every important to
In this day and age, there are two contradictory viewpoints in the public whether physical fitness or mental strength is the decisive factor that leads to success in sports. While it is believed by some people that those
It is generally believed that physical strength is the most crucial need for any sportsperson to gain success. Nevertheless, several people argue that they need to be mentally stronger rather than physically. Personally,
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