IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There is a school of thought that social media platforms exert significant adverse effects on both individuals and society. From my perspective, I agree with this opinion to some extent.
In contemporary times, one school of thought holds that social media platforms play a negative role in each citizen and the entire community. While I accept that this perception is somewhat justified, I believe that ther
Many believe that online platforms are exerting considerable adverse effects on their users both in individual and social aspects. Due to various reasons, I completely agree with this statement. In this essay, my justifi
With the invention and development of Intermit, social media has become a daily routine for majority of people. Some people regard it as something negative and harmful, whereas others may have different points of views o
As people rely more and more on social media, there exists a debate about whether the impact on both individuals and society is negative or not.From my perspective, I am inclined to stand neutrally with the opinion since
Individuals assume sites of social networking provide a very negative impact on both people and society. I disagree with that statement, because social networking platforms are beneficial for human life such as making i
It has been an ongoing argument among people that the development of social media is harmful to individuals and communities.But I strongly disagree with that because those network systems have been playing a crucial role
It is often believed that a group of people and the community have been experiencing a lot of problems with the advancement of technology, especially social networking sites. But I completely disagree with this statement
Whilst opponents allege that public media has a deleterious effect on people’s lives. Opponents conversely argue that those websites have facilitated the method of connection among users. I am a staunch believer that com
Over the past several years, few social media platforms have gained an increasing amount of popularity among the people. A lot of people have an opinion that these networking sites are a bane to the society as well as fo
Due to current technological advancement, especially the usage of social networking sites has rapidly increased. Many people argue that it has negative repercussions on individuals and society. However, I do not agree wi
There are a lot of individuals who strongly think that social media platforms, for example (Facebook), have contributed to massive disadvantages among citizens and communities. I deeply support this opinion, and this ess
It is believed that many sides of social media holds some poor effects on people and policies.Social networking seems to be a useful tool. Utilizing public network is being required in order to do human's own works
Currently, considering the trend of sitting in front of social networking sites has reached its peak, it is absolutely useless to try to keep society completely away from the dangers of those sites. Due to the evolving n
Certain groups of people assert that social networking sites bring a grave effect on both individuals and society. From my point of view, It is an undeniable statement which can be seen in increasing obesity rates and in
Some people are of the opinion that social networking sites have irrefutable impacts on both individuals and society. I strongly disagree with this notion due to job opportunities and access to a variety of details thro
Technology has revolutionized the way people communicate in their personal and professional lives, connecting humans in global real-time networks. However, some worry that technology has also changed communication in man
Many people think that social media has many drawbacks on both personal and social life. I fully disagree with this statement due to the fact that using social networking sites could also bring advantages such as extende
In the current world, with the advent of the internet and modern technology, a lot of social networking and media websites have been emerging on the internet, and some people believe that such social platforms have negat
Nowadays, the internet plays a crucial role in everyone's life and few individuals believe that it has adverse side effects on the population.This essay will discuss the reasons for my disagreement.
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