IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is true that now, because of the advanced technology, such as the Internet, smartphones and computers, people do not travel much for work, and they start work from home. In this essay, I will discuss what are the adva
Nowadays technology is an integral part of our life. It provides people with some equipment like computers , cell phones and the Internet to work remotely.Although, I believe that working from home has a lot of advantage
nowadays, technology revolutionize in every aspect of life. while some people believe that with the born of these digital gadgets life becomes more advance and people do their work in the comfort of their zone rather th
Technology has evolved to a certain level that the working population can work from home without reaching the office using the improvised gadgets available at the market. In my opinion, this development's positives outwe
Nowadays, commuting to work has largely been replaced by remote working as smartphones, computers, and the internet have become ubiquitous. In this essay, I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this shift in
In recent years, advances in technology have brought significant changes in their workplaces, such as telecommuting, which has took attention due to the use of smartphones as compared to the previous year. This essay wi
In the globalization era, the internet plays a crucial role in our lives and it can be used to work at home without going to the office. Some people think that it is a great innovation while others disagree.
As globalisation era, the internet is a crucial role in our life and it can use to work at home without going to the office. Some people think that it is a great innovation while others disagree.
In the last decades, the majority of people have brought their work to their residences instead of going to work, after the internet and new gadgets like laptops, smartphones, and tablets were widespread. In this essay,
There is no doubt that these days more people prefer working online from their houses. The question is whether this is a positive or negative change. In this essay, I am going to discuss both sides by providing evidence
In this new decade,a house is very important for all the people in this world. A proportion of them have chosen a rental house rather than buying it. It has some benefits such as spending on education and medical emergen
Nowadays more people use computers, internet and their smartphones to do their job at home, which wasn’t the case in the past and most people used to travel to their work. In this essay we are trying to discuss the advan
As the proverb goes: “Every coin has its two sides” and working from home is no exception. Thanks to the development of technology, the number of people working from home increased rapidly in recent years. Consequently,
Nowadays, humans are dependent on technology and the internet, even a small thing can easily be done by the use of mobile phones and the internet. Unlike the past, when an excessive number of people prefers to travel to
A large number of individuals would commute by different transportation means. Because of the prevalence of internet accessibility and electronic devices going to work is decreasing significantly. It seems to me that the
Recently, working at home has become a more and more popular way for workers. It is a strongly argued topic that many people have their own opinion on this actuality. In this essay, I will discuss both the positive and n
Recently, work at home become more and more popular way for worker. It is a strongly argued topic that many people have their own opinion for this actuality. In this essay, I will discuss both the positive and negative a
Many years ago, almost all the workers´ are taken public transportations or drive to work. However, as techonology advances, the numbers of workers´ using computer, the internet and smarts phones are increases; Those, ma
Instead to travel to work a greater number of people are working for home using their computer or some other devices connected to the internet. Although this has same majories beneffits, their are also sames drwabacks, a
Technology has improved significantly in the people’s life and the way they work recently. Up to now, people would travel to their place of work. Although, nowadays with Smartphones and Internet working has become more a
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