IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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For some people, consumer goods have become the most important thing in life, in this essay, I'll discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this this topic.
Consumerism, an ideology that encourages people to purchase products, is unprecedented prevalent around the world. It is still a moot point whether this phenomenon has more benefits or drawbacks. This essay will argue th
In modern society, a large number of person consider consumer goods as the principal thing in life.In my opinion, I believe that the benefits do not outweigh the drawbacks.
Child development are every parents concerns. Some of the parents believe that children should use their free time to study and do more school work to help on their academic growth. Others believe that children should us
Consumer goods are taking a significant place in lives of some people. In my opinion their benefits are more than drawbacks. Due to highly advantageous and accessible these produce are taking a special place in customer’
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