IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Humans live in the industrial era where it is more likely to see factories than a housing complex. This phenomenon pushes many individuals, especially young people, to continously live in the same roof with their parents
Yes, living with their parents has more advantages than disadvantages. Nowadays price of each and every material have increased to a very great extent while the source of income is low. So, almost every person needs to r
Due to the rapid development of the society and economy, the cost of living is increasing. Many teenagers cannot afford the cost of living if they live independently. Therefore, large proportion f them decided to live wi
Over the last decade, there is a tremendous rise in house prices and land available for sale. It is restricting well-settled young individuals to purchase or to rent their own property. While there is an advantage to it,
Nowadays, affordable housings are in shortage due to the increasing cost of living places. this trend leads to youngsters living with their parents at the age of '30s. I think this act is highly beneficial than the dra
Most young aged into their 30s pushing them to become dependent on their parents of the rising value of housing. This current situation is more drawbacks to the young community and especially to their parents.
Most young aged into their 30s pushing them to become depending to their parents since the rising value of housing. This current situation are more on drawbacks to young people and especially to their parents.
Across the world, the accommodation has become unaffordable. Because of this, young adults are pushed to move in with their parents as housing prices have become prohibitively expensive. Although in most cases it is posi
The cost of living has become less affordable compared to what it was in the past. As a result, young people have become dependent on their families and tend to stay in their family homes even in their 30s. While this ca
All around the world, the accommodation has become less affordable. Due to this price surge, many young people now have to remain in the family home well past 30. While this can sometimes be beneficial, this essay will d
There is a likelihood of being forced young adults to stay persistently with their parents until their 30s because of the cost of accommodation rising. There are both pros and cons to this trend. However, the advantages
Nowadays, with the increasing mortgages, more young adults, age thirty or above, have no choice but to stay in their original folk. Although I agree that it may bring several merits, there are indeed manifolds of negati
It is thought by some people that youngers, who can not afford the high cost of housing, can live with their parents into their 30s. In this essay, I will outline the perceived drawbacks of living with parents, rather t
In today's world, accommodation costs have undoubtedly increased due to inflation caused by the pandemic. Most youngsters have insisted to stay with their parents because of the surge in rent. Some people believe it is a
Property prices went up extremely, which cause young adults to live with their parents even after their 30s. Although there are advantages to this situation I see the disadvantages outweigh them.
Property prices went up extreamly, it cause young adults to live with their parents even after their 30s. Although there is advantages for this situation but I see disadvantages outweigh it.
There are discussions whether children should stay with their family for a long time or they should leave as soon as they grow up. Rents and house prices have being constantly increasing, which forces people in their 30’
Nowadays, housing property has become more expensive than earlier, which youngsters cannot afford these days. In order to save ,money many adults have to stay with their parents for living after their 30s. In my ,view it
Real estate prices were going up tremendously in many countries. Owing to this situation, adults being compelled to stay with their parents even past 30. Even though I see some advantages, but, I am afraid about the cons
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