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In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in the pressures faced by children from various facets of life. These pressures stem not only from academic expectations but also from social interactions and commerc
There has been a discussion revolving around the pressure that children are facing nowadays. Some people believe that in today’s world kids have to face more pressure from an academic, social and commercial perspective.
In this day of age, children have higher expectations in their lives from various influences such as school, social media, and commercial advertisements. One of the reasons this could happen is because of how "easy" life
In the modern era, the young generation might be exposed to way more pressure for their psychosocial development than in the past. There may be a variety of contributions causing this phenomenon as a social issue with e
In the modern era, a young generation might be exposed to way much pressures for their psychosocial developments than the past. There may be a variety of contuributions in causing this phenomenon as a social issue with e
In this day and age, many youngsters are facing high pressures. There are several reasons for this alarming trend, but measures could certainly be taken to tackle the problem.
Nowadays, due to high competition today's Children are pressurized and face harder academic, social and commercial challenges. To examine this issue this essay will examine the problem and suggest some remedial measures
Nowadays, we can say that the children are facing more pressure from academic, social and commercial perspectives. This could be due to many reasons. So the causes with solutions are explained in the following write-ups.
The pressure kids are getting, is at its peak. With kids having daily social media exposure at such a young age, it is brainwashing them to all unrealistic contents. They start to compare themselves with the people they
We are living in a fast-changing world, and our lives are totally different from the ones a couple of decades ago. Nowadays, there are various kinds of stress that children have to face. This essay will discuss the probl
Nowadays, the majority of children are stressed related to their studies and social life. This is mainly due to high competition in studies, and parents' expectations related to kids' careers. It can be solved, however,
Nowadays, children are demanded to be better in academic aspects and a competive individual in work. In this essay, I will elaborate more about cause and measure towards this phenomenon.
In current times, youngesters feel more challeging from study, family and work related pressure which creates lots of detrimental effects in their life. In this essay, I will list down cause and give some solutions to ta
In today's society, children are experiencing a lot of stresses of academic, social and commercial ways. This essay intends to discuss the causes of this problem and suggest some measures to alleviate these pressures.
The importance of acquiring different credentials is becoming more prevalent than ever among youngsters, exerting an additional burden on them. It is my firm belief that there are some solid reasons for the occurrence o
Nowadays, most children are pressured with academic, social, and career perspectives. This essay will discuss the reasons associated with this trend along with the solutions in the subsequent paragraphs
It is true that there is an increasing number of offspring pressures in society.As far as I am concerned,this phenomenon can result in serious problems,which can be tackled using appropriate measures.
There is no denying that youngsters of today are under more pressure from social, intellectual, and economic aspects. There are numerous possible reasons for this situation, however, there are remedies that may be used t
Children experience many pressures in terms of study, society, and commercials. These several causes of this problem and some solutions to solve the above situation.
It is certainly true today children encounter more pressure from academic, social and commercial aspects. There are several reasons behind this pressure as well as many steps can taken to alleviate it.
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